Laser Cutting
Capitalise on the speed, precision and cost efficiencies of our laser cutting.
Our high- tech laser cutters include:
- 3 state of the art Trumpf laser cutting machines for the ultimate in reliability and cutting perfection
- Large inventory of materials stored autonomously, and supplied robotically to each machine, minimising scratching, lead times & allowing for full automation on extended jobs
- Accuracy of ±0.2mm, with a combination of Co2 & Fibre Laser machines
- Complete material tracking and recording

Material Capabilities:
Mild Steel:
All grades and types
All grades, finishes and thicknesses commonly cut & stocked
Up to 25mm thick
Stainless Steel:
All grades and types
304, 316 & 409 grades commonly stored and cut
Up to 25mm thick
Aluminium Alloys:
All grades and types
Up to 20mm thick
High Tensile:
Most grades and types
Bisalloy®, HARDOX®, DOMEX® commonly cut & stocked
Weathering Steel (COR-TEN):
Bluescope supplied REDCOR® weathering steel, perfect for facades, screens, sculptures, garden beds & edging